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Prima Perspectief is op initiatief van Stichting Gilde Utrechtse Heuvelrug opgezet in maart 2017, in samenwerking met de gemeente Utrechtse Heuvelrug.

Prima Perspectief is van mening dat er geen tijd verloren mag gaan met het wegwijs maken van nieuwkomers in onze samenleving. Zinvol werk is het vliegwiel voor snelle participatie en integratie, de reden van de start van het project Prima Perspectief gestart.

Het regelen van zinvol werk geeft nieuwkomers perspectief op een zinvol bestaan en leidt bovendien tot betere kennis van de Nederlandse taal en cultuur.


De projectgroep legt contacten met organisaties die willen participeren in ons project ofwel kandidaten willen inzetten en begeleiden als vrijwilliger.



Het projectteam van Prima Perspectief  bestaat uit een dwarsdoorsnede van personen die nauw betrokken zijn bij het welzijn van nieuwkomers.

Projectleider en matchmaker
Willy Marks

Vincent Edelbroek

Website en social media
Ineke Jansen Duighuizen

Willy Marks

Stichting Gilde Utrechtse Heuvelrug

Prima Perspectief is één van de drie projecten van Stichting Gilde Utrechtse Heuvelrug. Voor meer informatie over Taalcoaching, Coach4you en het bestuur van de St. Gilde Utrechtse Heuvelrug klik hier.



Who are we?

The project team of Prima Perspectief consists of a cross section of persons closely involved in the well-being of newcomers.

Project leader Prima Perspectief / matchmaker:
Willy Marks

Volunteer coaches:
Vincent Edelbroek

Prima Perspectief maintains close contact with COA, the Utrechtse Heuvelrug Refugee Working Group (Vluchtelingenwerkgroep Utrechtse Heuvelrug), Doorn Refugee Work (Vluchtelingenwerk Doorn) and the municipality of Utrechtse Heuvelrug. These organizations are our ambassadors and encourage newcomers to participate in our project.

Prima Perspectief also has regular contact with the Regional Social Service (RSD) to explore together whether volunteering could be a first nice step towards paid work.

Prima Perspectief establishes contacts with organizations that want to participate in our project or who want to deploy candidates and guide them as volunteers.

What we do?

Prima Perspectief has been set up on the one hand for participants from different countries who have difficulty finding work for a variety of reasons.

On the other hand, Prima Perspectief is intended for organizations that want to work with volunteers from this target group and can offer suitable work, such as:

  • Healthcare sector: activity guidance in nursing homes, practical support such as shopping for people at home, assisting in childcare.
  • Nature management: maintenance of district gardens, forests and Landgoed Zuylenstein, among others.
  • Sports sector: DIY jobs at sports clubs, site maintenance and support with the organization of tournaments or tours.
  • Events: support in the organization of Speelweek Driebergen, festivals, neighborhood parties and Koningsdag.
  • Local organizations: working in the Eurowinkel, Kringloopwinkels Zeist and Driebergen, Speel-o-theek Maarn Maarsbergen and het Zonnehuis Doorn.

Roles and responsibilities

Before Prima Perspectief can make a link between a participant and a workplace, both the participant and the workplace of the host organization are screened by Prima Perspectief. In addition Prima Perspectief provides a volunteer contract and the necessary support for the participant in collaboration with the host organization.

A workplace is suitable for a volunteer if he or she meets one or more of the following points.

The participant:

  • Learns something or can teach others something.
  • Has the ability to improve Dutch language skills.
  • Learns to cooperate with other asylum seekers / status holders and with Dutch people.
  • Is supervised, preferably by Dutch volunteers from the host organization.
  • Receive a travel allowance and required clothing or lunch (facilities).

The participant is insured against accidents and works there on the basis of a volunteer contract in which all agreements are recorded.


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